This page is an overview of how the Antigo Public Library is governed and funded. Follow the links for more detailed information. The document starts at the state level and moves to local governance.
Wisconsin State Statutes Chapter 43
This is the state law that governs the operation of public libraries.
Wisconsin Public Library State Ecosystem
This is the framework for how libraries are set up and governed in the state of Wisconsin.
- Department of Public Instruction is led by the State Superintendent, Jill Underly (elected), DPI promotes, assists, and plans the development and improvement of school and public library services.
- Division for Libraries and Technology is a division of DPI and acts as Wisconsin’s State Library Agency, overseeing compliance of Wisconsin public libraries and systems, pursuant to Chapter 43.
- Council on Library and Network Development is a governor-appointed council that advises the superintendent and the division on the policies, activities, budget, and overall direction of the state’s programs for library and network services.
- Wisconsin Library Association This is our state’s professional association for library workers of all types. They have divisions and committees including one to help with Library Development and Legislation.
Wisconsin Public Library Regional Ecosystem: Wisconsin Valley Library Services
Public library systems are built around counties, and public libraries within those counties join a regional library by agreement. There are requirements libraries must meet and maintain to be eligible for membership. Some of the many things the regional library supports
- Director training and certification to ensure compliance with Chapter 43
- Courier Service for intercounty resource sharing
- Collective spending
- Technology Support
- Training and Consultation
- ILS (Circulation and Cataloging System
- Key people at WVLS
Director: Marlene Sepnafski
Training: Jamie Matczak
Youth/Consulting: Kristie Hauer - Technology: Josh Klingbeil/Erica Brewster
ILS Services: Katie Zimmerman
Cataloging : Rachel Metzler
Wisconsin Public Library Local Ecosystem: City-County Agreement (City of Antigo/Langlade County)
This is an agreement signed by city and county officials as to appointing authority for library board, ownership of library assets, annual appropriations, designation of our fiscal agent, etc. This agreement designates our membership in the Wisconsin Valley Library Service.
- Key People from the City
Mayor: Terry Brand (elected)
Makes city appointments to our board – must be approved by City Council
City Administrator: Karin Derauf
City Treasurer and Finance Director: Kaye Matucheski
The city is our fiscal and HR agent. - Key people from the County
Chairperson of the County Board of Supervisors: Ben Pierce (elected)
Makes county appointments to our board – must be approved by the County Board of Supervisors
County Administrator: Jason Hilger
County Clerk: Judy Nagel
The Library Board is composed of appointees from the city and county, this board is responsible for the library budget and policies. They also hire and evaluate the library director. Although they are appointed by the city and county, they are an independent board created by agreement to act in the best interest of the library. New appointments are confirmed, and new officers elected each year at the May meeting.
Current Library Board members are:
- Sheryl Perkins (City) President
- Barb Rebstock (City) Chair Policy
- Sarah Sinkler (City)
- Nancy Jones (County)
- Carol McDougal (County)
- Carol Bardo
- School (currently vacant)
- Christian Radcliffe (County)
- Pam Augustyn (County)
Library Board Bylaws are rules by the library board to direct their actions.
The Library Director is hired and evaluated by the library board and is responsible for advising them on budget and policy matters. The library director is also responsible for the day-to-day operations of the library with support from city and county staff.
Library Staff are hired and evaluated by the library director with support from our Human Resources staff at the city.
Antigo Public Library Foundation, Inc. is non-profit charitable organization set up to support the library. They work together with the director and the library board but are a separate organization with its own board and officers. They are not considered a government entity.
Friends of the Antigo Public Library is a non-profit unincorporated association formed in 2024 to support library programs, volunteerism and advocacy.
Other Entities. We have agreements with other places like the village of White Lake that pertain to their giving funding to assist with services. Nothing in those agreements supersedes or changes the basic City-County agreement.