Homeschool and Virtual School Resources


In the state of Wisconsin, homeschooling is referred to as a home-based private educational program. Virtual schooling through one of the state’s public charter schools is a home-based but public educational program operating under different laws and requirements than homeschooling. This resource page will help you as you consider your options or get started on the journey.  The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction has resources for both virtual and home school families. If you are engaged with home or virtual schooling and would like your child to have a brief tour of the library, contact Ms. Kristie at 715-623-3724. 

Wisconsin DPI

Virtual School Resources

While some families home school through private means, others choose to participate in one of Wisconsin’s virtual public school options. Virtual public schools are not guided by homeschooling laws since the student is officially doing public schooling at home. Some parents see these schools as a good option for students who learn best in the home environment but who need the structure provided by the virtual school schedule. To get started visit the Wisconsin DPI page on virtual charter schools. Some of the online public charter schools are open to all students in the state and others are just for specific districts.

Virtual Charter Schools List

Here are a few of the virtual charter options in Wisconsin.

Rural Virtual Academy
The RVA is a fully accredited, online public charter school offering custom tailored education programs and materials for each of its students. It is open to all students in the state

Wisconsin Virtual Academy
The Wisconsin Virtual Academy is a full-time, tuition-free, online public school for grades K-12.

Wisconsin Connections Academy
The Wisconsin Connections Academy is a tuition-free public online school for 4K-12 that students attend at home.

Wisconsin Virtual Learning
The Wisconsin Virtual Learning is a tuition-free online school for 4K-12. It is open to all students in the state

Wisconsin Virtual Schools
Wisconsin Virtual School (WVS), is the state-led online and blended learning supplemental program that partners with school districts throughout Wisconsin, to offer online courses to middle and high school students.

Facebook Groups for Virtual School Families

If you would like to connect to other virtual schoolers in the Northwoods or in Wisconsin, here are some Facebook connections to get you started.

Virtual Public School Families (Wisconsin)

Rural Virtual Academy Families (Wisconsin)

Home Schooling and Virtual Schooling in Wausau




Home School Resources

Thinking of homeschooling your kids? Need reliable information on how to get started? Check out the Wisconsin DPI page on home-based private education. You will find answers to frequently asked questions, Wisconsin statutes for homeschooling, and more.

Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association

Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association is a state-wide, inclusive, non-partisan, grassroots organization dedicated to protecting the right and freedom of parents to provide an education to their children according to their own principles and beliefs. They offer information on support groups, conferences and much more. They created the handout linked here: What is Homeschooling?

Local Help

Would you like to get helpful information form families who are already home schooling their children? Do you have Questions that you feel only someone who has home school experience can answer? We got in touch with some home school families to see if they would be willing to offer their experience to some people new to the home school scene. If you click on one of the names below you will be able to email them to start a conversation on homeschooling.





Facebook Groups for Home School Families

Antigo Public Library Logo
Antigo Public Library, Main
617 Clermont St.
Antigo, WI 54409
Phone: 715-623-3724
Fax: 715-627-2317