In accordance with our Inclement Weather Policy the library will be closed Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Antigo Public Library
Approved: February 25, 2025
Purpose of Policy: At times when the weather becomes hazardous to the health and safety of the public
and/or library staff, the library will alter hours of operation. These actions are based on the ability to
meet minimal staffing levels and the physical condition of the facility, including the sidewalks and
parking lots.
If Langlade County is under a Weather Advisory and more than 3 inches of snow has accumulated from
said storm BEFORE the Antigo Public Library Operating Opening Hour (9AM) with continued snowfall
and accumulation during the Antigo Public Library Operating Hours (9AM-7PM) expected between 3-6
additional inches, the Antigo Public Library will NOT open for that day.
If Langlade County is under a Weather Advisory and more than 3 inches of rain has fallen from said
storm BEFORE the Antigo Public Library Operating Opening Hour (9AM) with continued rainfall expected
during the Antigo Public Library Operating Hours (9AM-7PM) causing road flooding and hazardous
driving conditions for staff and patrons, the Antigo Public Library will NOT open for that day.
If Langlade County is under a Weather Advisory with 3 or more inches of snowfall expected prior to the
end of daily operating hours for the Antigo Public Library, the Antigo Public Library will close at 4PM.
Patrons will be notified. A post will be made to the library website.
If Langlade County is under a Weather Advisory with 3 or more inches of rainfall expected prior to the
end of daily operating hours for the Antigo Public Library, the Antigo Public Library will close at 4PM.
Patrons will be notified. A post will be made to the library website.
Weather that does not meet the above stated conditions and impacts the ability of the Antigo Public
Library to safely serve the patrons of Langlade County will be made by the Library Director or their
designee in conjunction with the Antigo Public Library Board of Trustee President & Vice President or
their respective designee(s).
If the decision to alter hours of operation is made, library patrons in the building will be notified
immediately. The public will be notified of any closing or changes in hours of operation through the
website and notices posted on the Antigo Public Library external doors.
Staff Compensation Related to Inclement Weather Situations: If the library closes, any employee
scheduled to work that day will be paid their scheduled wages for the day. Employees not scheduled to
work, on sick leave, vacation, or other authorized leave shall not be paid for the closed period