When you visit the Antigo Public Library this month, be sure to enter our monthly drawing. Every time you check out a book in February, get another chance to win. January's...
The library Collections + Catalog Specialist demonstrates an in-depth knowledge and expertise in one or more areas such as acquisitions, circulation, collection maintenance, and...
The following tax forms are currently available in the library: W-2 Form W-3 Form 1099 Form 1040 Form The library will not receive any other forms from the IRS. The IRS is moving...
A librarian is an individual with a degree in library science who administers or assists in a library. It may also be someone who works in a school and has a degree in library...
Many changes have come to the Antigo Public Library this year. Our children's department is blooming & growing. Thanks to the generous endowment donation from the Fogeltanz,...